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About Me.

I am currently going into my fourth year of being a practicing therapist. I started with Counselling before branching into Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Trauma Therapy, Stress management, Eating Disorders, Anxiety and Depression and TFT/EFT. Why so many areas? I have a curious mind and love learning alongside a passion for constantly developing myself professionally and personally. 


Why did I train to be a professional? I have had my own lived experience of mental health all my life but six years ago I reached the point where I needed professional support but the waiting list was too long and private therapy at the time was too expensive. So I trained and studied at first to support myself through my mental health journey. Along the way I realised I loved Counselling and that combined with the constant desire to support others I knew (was told by multiple people) that I needed to do Counselling as a career.


So why private? I practice privately for various reasons: Firstly, due to various reasons both mental and physical working 9-5 just doesn't work for me. Secondly, I have more flexibility in what I can cover, session structure and approach working privately. That means I can incorporate all my professional knowledge and lived experience into my sessions without having to follow a rigid guideline. So as soon as I was qualified and able to practice I set up my business Drops of Joy, which recently became Paula Lacey Therapy and Coaching. 


Any personal interests? I have loads but I can give a list. Ice Hockey, writing, reading, coding, Archaeology, History, drawing, Netflix (way too much), music, D&D. 




Counselling Level 3 Diploma

Counselling and CBT Level 4 Diploma

Advanced diploma in Eating Disorders

Advanced Diploma in Anxiety and Depression

Advanced Diploma in EMDR

Advanced Diploma in TFT/EFT

Advanced Diploma in NLP Coaching

Advanced Diploma in Trauma Treatment of Complex PTSD

Advanced Diploma in Nutrition

Advanced Diploma in Personal Training

Advanced Diploma in Gym Training

Counselling Level 7 Diploma

Life Coaching Level 7 Diploma

Certified Clinical Trauma Specialist – Individual (CCTS-I) Level 8 Diploma

Mental health, Msc (graduation 2022)


Why the nutrition and personal training? I work with people who have eating disorders so felt it was necessary to have a base level of knowledge on how to support them in every aspect of their recovery to give an holistic approach to recovery. 





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